Titanic's last dinner of the One Rincon Already more than 98 years, when at 23 hours and 45 minutes on Sunday April 14, 1912 the ocean liner RMS Titanic White Star Line Company, considered the largest moving object in the world at that time collided with an iceberg in the Atlantic North, the fifth day of her maiden voyage. The ship sank two hours and 45 minutes after impact, ie on Monday, April 15, 1912, at 2 hours and 30 minutes. In this maritime disaster killed about 1600 people.
On the night of April 14, a few hours before the fatal collision, hosted a dinner in the luxurious first-class dining. The menu was served this re-edited. As written, there are three menus "Originals" of the last supper in the dining room of the Titanic First, by one payment a couple of years ago 70,000 Euros. The chef, named Henry Tingle Wilde, had under his command and responsible for different ship's kitchen chefs, Pierre Roussesu, C. Proctor, J. Bochetez and P. Mauge.
First Class Menus were designed by the French chef Auguste Escoffier, considered the father of the French Nouvelle Cuisine, and who earned the title of "Emperor of Chefs."
As you can read the menu, this was composed of ten plates called services, and some consisted of different preparations.
The recipes are listed below come mainly from books written by Escoffier, which are books of the time. So what appears below is not 100% historical but interpretations or less accurate international chefs that were or are today, the dishes were served at the Last Supper in the dining room of First Class on the Titanic.
1st Service: Hors d'Oeuvre canapés: Oysters, (so goes on the menu, only oysters), but it seems that the prepared gratin with champagne, if it was a way of making them in this way is: Once opened and part of the juice secreted and mixed with champagne, egg yolks, pepper and salt, and builds a sabayon. Each oyster properly accommodated and covered with sabayon and served au gratin is temperate.
the 2nd Service: Consommé Consommé Olga: It was a port wine broth with scallops (white) cut into three pieces. Artistically trimmed and cut into julienne celery root, cucumber, truffles and coagulated egg white threads.
barley cream: The cream of barley at the time did something like this:
From a white broth is added to a pool of melted butter, thereupon the barley, stir everything well and cook for a hours. After filtering the broth add the yolks, diluted in milk or cream and served hot.
3rd Service: Salmon Fish Poché mousseline sauce and cucumbers: In time for the great dishes of salmon, are sometimes served sliced \u200b\u200band other whole, it was common practice to serve "white beans" that is cooked in a bouillon vinegar flavored with onion, carrot, parsley , laurel, thyme, black peppercorns and 12 grams of salt per liter of broth. It used to serve with different sauces and in this case, with a muslin and some cucumbers seasoned with sugar, white vinegar, egg yolks, pepper and salt. The 4th
Service: Entrée Filet Mignon Lili : The filet mignon is not in itself a plate, is a specific cut, the better the tail of a beef tenderloin. This dish at the time of Escoffier was part of a fillet mignon of about 250 grams, season accordingly.
In a frying pan in equal parts butter and olive oil from Provence and a few cloves of garlic, heat until the garlic take color, add the fillets and seal for 10 minutes, considering that the center must be pink. In the same pan, fat removed, marked medallions of foie gras, no more than 30 seconds per side.
In fat remaining in skillet, sauté some artichoke hearts until al dente, about 2 minutes. Sauteed Chicken
to Lyonnaise: Among its ingredients are: a chicken cut into about 2 kilos snack, Butter, Tomatoes, 2 kinds of mushrooms, parsley, a clove of garlic, white wine, Armagnac, salt and pepper.
Sauté chicken in butter for 20 minutes, then add the tomato and mushrooms, and wine and armagnac. Cook all together for half an hour.
Separate the chicken pieces and pass the sauce through a sieve and reduce it. During this reduction is placed completely crushed clove of garlic with a few grains of salt and parsley. To serve place the chicken in the center of the plate and sauce over chicken.
stuffed zucchini flowers: The original menu reads "Courgettes farcis" farcis word indicates that this is a filler that is made in the Nice area and so can be zucchini tomatoes, onions, peppers, eggplant etc. They can be served both hot and cold. For this dish are cooked some potatoes with the skin in salt water after 20 minutes, pass through cold water, peel and prepare the mash. The squash that were used at that time were still a fledgling fruit with its beautiful flower. These zucchini the size of a gherkin, longitudinally split apart down to the flower 2 or 3 slices, then flatten and give it more striking to the plate. Mashed potatoes you add ricotta, Parmesan, egg yolk, oregano, pepper and salt. Mix well all and thus the flowers are filled and closed.
are placed in the oven 180 º C. all together on a plate, painted with olive oil and bake for 12 minutes. Prepare a diced tomatoes, sauteed with olive oil, basil, pepper and salt. Attached are the zucchini flowers with tomato.
the 5th Service: Relevé Gigot mint sauce: traditional English dish that little has changed its way of doing. For this dish you need a rear leg of lamb, boned but without disassembling the legs.
Season to taste and roast in the first minutes at very high temperature to give a heat to caramelize the surface and seal the meat, then lower the oven at medium heat until meat is done and juicy. While roasted gigot, begin preparing the sauce of mint, so it takes about 50 grams of mint leaves chiffonade fine, mixed with 2 tablespoons of sugar and left to macerate. After 30 minutes, add 5 tablespoons of good vinegar. Salt to taste. Gigot
Once baked and sources presented in view of the diners and the occasional table or Gueridon. It chopped the hot gigot and still it smeared with butter and lemon sauce. Emplatado
After the gigot was accompanied with mint sauce.
Aloyau de Boeuf / Pommes de terre Chateau: The aleyau is a cut of tenderloin of beef in this case. Usually cooked on the grill after holding for one hour in marinade. The dish is accompanied with various side dishes, but in this case was with a Chateau potatoes that are small tornado potatoes until they were in size between a walnut and hazelnut, cook in butter until they are golden on the outside and juicy on the inside white .
For now I'll post only the first 5 services. Later will complete this very interesting post on such a famous legend.